Huni Kuin: Beya Xinã Bena

Huni Kuin: Yube Baitana (Os Caminhos da Jiboia) and its new version Huni Kuin: Beya Xinã Bena (New Times)download the demo version here – is a 2D platform game about the ancient stories of the Huni Kuin (Kaxinawá) indigenous people, who live in the Brazilian Amazon. The game was developed together with the Huni Kuin communities of Rio Jordão, Acre.

NEW VERSION AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD – Platforms: PC, Mac and Linux (free)

A couple of Kaxinawá twins were conceived by anaconda Yube in dreams and inherited his special powers. A young hunter and a small artisan, throughout the game, go through a series of challenges to become, respectively, a healer (Mukaya) and a master of drawings (kene). In this journey, they will gain skills and knowledge of their ancestors, the animals, plants and spirits; enter into communication with the visible and invisible beings of the forest (yuxin), to become, finally, real human beings (Huni Kuin).

Also watch the videos made by the collective Beya Xinã Bena:

Article: MENESES, G. Knowledge in play: the creation of the video game Huni Kuin: Yube Baitana. GIS – Gesto, Imagem e Som – Revista de Antropologia, vol. 2, n. 1, 2017, pp. 83-110.
